Smoking seems to be things that are commonly consumed today. Not only parents, but more and more children who were aged teenager was already starting to take up smoking. But smoking is a weapon of mass killing that is very dangerous. Although
this has been mentioned in the pack of the cigarettes, even the same
warning has also been expressed in a variety of cigarette advertising on
television, but it seems no one is really paying attention the dangers
of smoking. With the campaign for the special day without a cigarette was all it still does not have a great impact. Let's see more about how much influence that we get from smoking.
Turns Tobacco Are Weapons of Mass Murderer
There is a danger of Ingredients in In CigarettesIndeed in cigarettes there are many contents that are dangerous to our health. Berbahanya Ingredients include:
1. Nicotine: the content is what can make you addicted and will continue to smoke cigarettes. Besides these substances can make great damage to the brain tissue and
cause blood clots occur too fast can cause the artery walls become hard
because that smoking is a weapon of mass killing.
Tar: in fact this substance is also used to make asphalt tar because
that is very dangerous because these substances can attach to the lungs.
This will eventually lead to the production of mucus from the lungs become too much will lead to irritation. Besides cells in the ducts that contained in the blood would die so that the peak will form lung cancer.
3. Carbon Monoxide: these substances are inhaled from the gas while
consuming cigarettes eventually will reduce the amount of oxygen
contained in the body by binding to hemoglobin which of course makes the
transport of oxygen in the blood also becomes impaired because that
there is a presumption that smoking is a weapon of mass killers.
Various irritants: there are also thousands of other substances that
are irritants to the body that will irritate the airways to the lungs
that can spread to the air sacs in the lungs. Symptoms are usually coughing in active smokers.
Carcinogens: This substance is the content of the most dangerous of all
content contained in cigarettes that make smoking is mass murder
weapon. This is because these carcinogens can form the most feared cancer cells and enhance growth.
Some of Disease Caused By Cigarette1. Heart disease: we all know that heart disease is a dangerous disease that can cause death. With smoking then can harden blood vessels allowing blood to flow which will be hard to trigger a heart attack.
2. Pulmonary Hospital: substances contained in cigarettes can cause
irritation of the lungs which can certainly lead to various kinds of
pain that occurs in the lungs such as bronchitis or even pneumonia and
3. Impotence: the presence of various disorders in the body, then the interference will greatly affect the reproductive organs. This is what will provoke the occurrence of impotence. Even in female patients will be able to cause a miscarriage which is very berbahanya.
4. Cancer: the disease is closely related to the reasons why smoking is a weapon of mass killing. That's
because there are so many types of cancer are caused by smoking is not
only the lungs but also hooked in the mouth and so forth.
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