Saturday, June 4, 2016

Cervical Cancer, Killer Women No. 1 in Indonesia

Knowledge of Cervical Cancer was surely something that you need to have if you are a woman and you are concerned with health. Cervical cancer is the number one killer of women in Indonesia because in Indonesia, every day an estimated 40 women were diagnosed to have cervical cancer and 20 women die from the disease every day. Cervical cancer itself is the scourge of women not only in Indonesia but throughout the world and it is estimated that there are 700 women who die from the disease every day. There are various things that could be the reason why so malignant cervical cancer in Indonesia. One of them is because many women in Indonesia who do not know what are the symptoms and signs of cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer, Killer Women No. 1 in IndonesiaThings You Need To Know About Cervical CancerAlso known as cervical cancer, cervical cancer is a cancer that attacks the transition between a woman's uterus and vagina or uterus organ front. The cancer cells invade and raising the organ that is medically referred to by the name of the uterine cervix. HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is a virus that is the leading cause of cervical cancer. There are more than 90 percent of cases of cervical cancer are caused due to the virus attack.One thing you need to know that the HPV virus is small and its diameter is about 55 mm. Despite its small size, the virus is extremely dangerous. The reason for that is because there are some of the HPV viruses are able to survive in spite of the human immune system has been trying to disarm him. The virus is able to survive and who will settle into the causes of cervical cancer. You need to know that HPV infection is the cause of cervical cancer could be caused by genital contact during sexual intercourse. You also need to know that the incidence of the virus is also very susceptible to women who like to change partners, smoking, and married when very young age.Symptoms and Prevention of Cervical Cancer And HandlingIf you are a woman and you want to avoid cervical cancer, you need to know what are the symptoms of cervical cancer. If cervical cancer is still in its early stages, symptoms may not be felt clearly. However, the cervical cancer develops, there are symptoms that may be starting to feel like difficulty urinating, pain felt in the pelvis, bleeding in vital organs, and discharge mixed with blood. If there are people you know are experiencing any of these symptoms, recommended to see a doctor in order to know whether the contacts you have cervical cancer or not.Cervical cancer itself can actually be prevented by having sex only with her husband and a healthy way. Went to the doctor and perform anti-cervical cancer vaccination also included one way to prevent the disease. Meanwhile, medical treatment that can be done to treat cervical cancer include surgery to remove the uterus manner. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy also includes ways that can be used to treat the disease. Cervical cancer can also be treated using herbal remedies that are known to eradicate cervical cancer and ward off the disease from reappearing. That was a variety of things about Cervical Cancer, Killer Women No. 1 in Indonesia you need to know if you are a woman.

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